I have created a shared folder for each of my classes where you will find a Google Slides Presentation. These are accessible through a link in your D2L course shell. When you open the folder for the first time you will see copies of the same Google Slides Presentations. Choose one and rename it according to the instructions. If you don’t have a Google account that’s ok – you can edit your file without needing to login. Keep in mind that the the Google Slide Presentations will be viewable by the entire class so that we can offer feedback.
- No themes or colored backgrounds please.
- As you are working on assignments you will have smaller, usually sketchbook, assignments that you will need to complete before you start the major assignment. Every part of an assignment, from sketches, color schemes, photos and final projects, needs to be added to your Google Slide Presentation.
- As you upload your assignments make sure that you label them appropriately and write about what you’re doing if asked to do so.
- For the major part of the project make sure that you have good lighting.
- If you don’t have a smart phone or don’t have a great space to photograph we do have some cameras available to use on campus as well as student workers who can help photograph your work.
If you download the Google Slide app to your phone it is super easy to upload images. If you want, you can even write notes on each slide that I will then be able to read. I like seeing what you’re working on!
How to create a Google Slides presentation